這回的展覽攤位規模跟往年比起起來不大,大多都是回字型布展,有#輝柏 、#IWI 等大小文具廠商,還有文創商品市集。展區旁還有電腦展 戶外用品展聯合舉行。我拿的是上聯展覽的會員免費數位門票,都可去通行,不過我還是以文具展為目標。
IWI 這次拿出50元特價品,搭配其他主力鋼筆就沒有圖片2這款項鍊型的隨身短筆了,幾年前去參加購入時只要99元。
2022年台北クリエイティブステーショナリーフェアを始めたステーショナリーフレンズ。 今回の展示ブースは、昨年に比べて規模は大きくなく、ほとんどがフォントで構成されており、#huibaiや#IWIなどの文房具メーカーや、文化・クリエイティブ商品市場があります。 。展示エリアの隣には、コンピューター展とアウトドア製品展が合同で開催されています。シャンリアン展のメンバーのために無料のデジタルチケットを取りました、そしてそれを通り抜けることができます、しかし私はまだ文房具展を目指しています。 今回、IWIは50元の特別オファーを出しましたが、他のメインペンと組み合わせ
The stationery friends who started the 2022 Taipei Creative Stationery Fair. Compared with previous years, the scale of the exhibition booths this time is not large. Most of them are set up in the form of a font. There are stationery manufacturers such as #huibai and #IWI, as well as cultural and creative commodity markets. Next to the exhibition area, there is also a computer exhibition and an outdoor product exhibition jointly held. I took free digital tickets for members of the Shanglian Exhibition, and I can go to pass, but I still aim for the stationery exhibition. IWI has come up with a special offer of 50 yuan this time, and when paired with other main pens, there is no picture 2. This necklace-type portable short pen is only 99 yuan when I went to participate in the purchase a few years ago. The price is 1 yuan cheaper than the shrimp skin. This time, I just collected a set of retro ballpoint pens and packed them home to write slowly. Picture 3 is a mechanical pencil produced in the UK from the 1970s to the 1980s that I bought from the cultural and creative booth. The boss told me that this was the inventory he was looking for. It's really beautiful, and the price is not expensive, so I bought it directly. Cultural and creative booths are really easy places to spend a lot of money, so let's leave quickly. After that, I helped the children in my family to buy a stationery bag with a brand starting with the letter J at RMB 250. This place really shouldn't stay for long! ! Or run away quickly~~~. 🤪